Google’s bias algorithm can manipulate up to 10 million undecided voters, rigging the election for Hillary

It isn’t much of a secret that the mainstream media is fighting desperately to ensure that Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election. Between the lack of coverage on the Wikileaks email hacks, the constant assault on Donald Trump’s past and the complete disregard for third party candidates, those working the mainstream are visibly biased in support of Crooked Hillary.

Not even search engines are beyond this corruption, with Google currently utilizing a biased algorithm that hides news coverage that paints Hillary Clinton in a negative light, while not offering the same for Donald Trump, Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, given the fact that Google parent company chairman Eric Schmidt recently offered to be a “head outside advisor” for the campaign. But when people are relying on search engines in order to find news stories, it is very upsetting to discover that the truth is being hidden.

In an interview with Russian Times, psychologist and author Robert Epstein broke down how this kind of biased algorithm could manipulate up to 10 million undecided voters, more than enough to skew the election in one direction or another. Epstein states, “Through several years of research, I found that they had the power to control elections, the power to shift the votes. So, that was more than four years of experimental research … . We established through some very careful experiments that by favoring one candidate in search rankings Google can shift a lot of votes. More than 20 percent of undecided voters overall, and in some demographic groups up to 80 percent of undecided voters.”

Of course, you have to wonder what would lead someone to consider voting for Hillary Clinton in the first place. As if her untrustworthy, slimy nature didn’t disqualify her from receiving support from the American people, the seemingly endless scandals most definitely should. It’s clear after any significant research that she is a dangerous person that should not be trusted by the American people. If only discovering the truth weren’t such an issue, then these problems wouldn’t arise in the first place.

But since the mainstream media has proven that they are willing to go to great lengths in order to suppress the truth and support Hillary Clinton, we have to get creative if we want to know what’s really going on in the world. The truth is out there, and it is up to us to spread it. If Google won’t get with the program, then the rest of us have to do it for them.


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