News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
GOP Sen. Hawley introduces bill to force YouTube to end its “catering to pedophiles” even as the platform bans conservatives and indy media
As Missouri’s attorney general, Josh Hawley went after the big tech platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for allegedly violating the privacy rights of the citizens of his state, as well as other practices that were inconsistent and unfair. As a U.S. senator, Hawley has continued his quest to hold these behemoths accountable as they […]
By JD Heyes
After the wave of pro-liberty election victories across Europe, globalists blast Facebook for not doing enough to censor conservative voices… seriously?
Two phenomena are becoming clear throughout the West today: 1) More and more people, in the U.S. and Europe, are realizing that globalism is a loser; and 2) The globalists and their allies are going all-out to hold on to power even if it means destroying their own continents. In Europe, for instance, following years […]
By JD Heyes
Feminist former adviser to Bill Clinton discovers on LIVE radio the entire premise behind her latest book is based on an error
It’s one thing to pretend to know more than everyone else and assume the right to lecture the country about how Americans should live their lives. It’s quite another thing to do so from a position of presumed moral authority only to figure out at the worst time that you are the biggest dummy in […]
By JD Heyes
Young Americans so scared by the “climate change” hoax which claims the world is ending in 12 years, they aren’t saving a DIME for retirement
If you ever wondered if there would be real-world consequences for American society caused by Left-wing climate change hoaxers, here you go: Young people are increasingly shunning any effort at all to save for their retirement and old age because lunatic Democrats have convinced them the world is going to end in, like, 12 years. […]
By JD Heyes
By pushing the National Popular Vote Compact, leftists are deliberately working to ensure the “tyranny of the majority” that will overrule liberty and law
The American Left, on a daily basis, shows anyone who cares to pay attention what authoritarianism looks like and, more importantly, how they plan to wield it if or when they get into power. One way the Left, via the Democratic Party they have hijacked, plans to do so is by subverting our constitutional system […]
By JD Heyes
Collusion: Report documents links between staffers at HuffPost, The Guardian, and SPLC to Left-wing domestic terror group Antifa
It is hard for many Americans, if not most of us, to imagine a time when our country was not so politically and culturally divided. What’s more, it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which things begin to improve between rival factions. A sign of our divided times is the rise of Antifa, a loosely-aligned […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats’ passage of “Equality Act” is the first stage in their attempts to CRIMINALIZE Christianity and throw all practicing Christians in prison (while banning their speech)
One of the first things Americans need to understand about Democrats is that virtually every piece of legislation they propose is misnamed. For instance, Obamacare — officially called “The Affordable Care Act” — made healthcare unaffordable for millions of Americans and far more expensive than it previously was for tens of millions more. And the […]
By JD Heyes
Amazing video reveals how Leftists think they can commit CRIMES to silence the speech of conservatives, and they tell themselves it’s right to do so
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, American Leftists have increasingly resorted not only to violence but to criminal behavior as a means of being part of the “resistance” to his administration. And just as frequently, American Leftists have shown blatant disregard for the law and the unwritten rules of civility necessary to maintain social […]
By JD Heyes
Judge seals entire case involving two anti-Trump school shooters while Covington Catholic kids were savaged in public by the media and Democrats
There seems to be no shortage of maniacal Leftists in America these days as our political, cultural, and social divides widen far past the point of reconciliation. This was in evidence again recently when a Leftist judge in Colorado placed a case under seal involving two anti-Trump students — one of whom is transgender — […]
By JD Heyes
Canada now CRIMINALIZING Christianity; public demonstrations to be completely outlawed
Not only is it becoming increasingly obvious that Western liberals are becoming anti-Christian, they are also becoming increasingly authoritarian when it comes to the practice of Christianity by others. Most Americans have this image of Canada as some liberal utopia where health care is free (and good), there is no such thing as violence, and […]
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