News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
A major Chicago paper used Antifa-linked sources to defend crooked state’s attorney Kim Foxx and bash her critics as “white nationalists”
In recent weeks, you may recall that Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx committed the outrage of the year, thus far: She refused to accept clear evidence from Chicago PD implicating “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in his staged hate crime, thus declining to prosecute him. Now, we learn, the Chicago Sun-Times is providing even more […]
By JD Heyes
Coming to America: The complete de-platforming of all voices that don’t worship Democrats, abortions and open borders
The Democrat Party has joined the globalist Left in their quest to wipe out all remaining bastions of freedom and liberty throughout the West which, if they are successful, will plunge the world into chaos, war, and destruction. In Europe, freedom fighters like Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin are fighting Leftists in Britain and throughout […]
By JD Heyes
Insane anti-Trump movement has now merged with Satanism, proving that Leftists are the REAL evil in America
For decades the progressive Left in America has increasingly denounced and denigrated our Christian heritage and cultural moorings, so it should come as no surprise that a growing number of them are finding a home in a new ‘church’ that seeks but one thing: To undermine and circumvent Christianity. As noted by End of the […]
By JD Heyes
Same WashPost that falsely claimed Donald Trump conspired with the Russians now DENIES the fact that Christians were attacked in the Sri Lanka terrorism bombings
You’ve got to hand it to the “establishment” media. Once they get on a kick about something, they don’t get off of it — ever — even when they are so obviously mistaken about the subject. Which, of course, helps explain why most Americans trust used car salesmen over reporters. You likely recall that in […]
By JD Heyes
More journo-terrorism as left-wing media threatens to dox Microsoft employee for pointing out discrimination against whites
The perpetually angry American Left has launched an all-out assault on what remains of “traditional” America, including the complete debasing of whites and destruction of any cultural contribution they have had on our country. If Leftist mobs aren’t tearing down statues or punching white persons who dare to express any support for our president, journo-terrorists […]
By JD Heyes
Elizabeth Warren wants taxpayers to foot the bill for the university indoctrination of America’s youth that has turned them into liberal idiots
In a desperate bid to get noticed among an ever-expanding field of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, Sen. Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren, whose campaign is already flagging, wants to bust our debt balloon so more of our young citizens can be indoctrinated into socialism. In addition to her proposal to provide “free” college to all, Warren wants […]
By JD Heyes
Explosions rock Catholic churches, hotels in Sri Lanka, but none DARE call the attacks what they are: Islamic terrorism
A series of well-coordinated bombings rocked a number of Catholic churches and symbols of capitalism in the country of Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, but politically correct “news” reports omitted one of the most important details surrounding the attacks: The guilty parties. That’s because in today’s world, for some reason, blaming Muslims for attacks they […]
By JD Heyes
The philosophy of authoritarianism: Leftists say merely CRITICIZING a Democrat is an act of violence
Once upon a time, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, could at least have a conversation about the important issues of the day and, often, come to some sort of mutually acceptable compromise. Those days are long gone, however, and what’s more, our country appears to have reached a point of no return — no […]
By JD Heyes
As “mainstream media” openly calls for Left-wing violence against white conservatives, now is the time to start carrying concealed firearms
In a recent segment on the CBS series “The Good Fight,” a chaotic riot scene in which people are attacked, cars are overturned and burned, and police vehicles are smashed, a lone black man approaches the camera and begins to speak. “Is it all right to hit a Nazi unprovoked?” he begins. “I was always […]
By JD Heyes
SMALL number of mega-corporations now own ALL major media, as well as the monopolization of “facts”
With the exception of a few government agencies, monopolies are not supposed to exist in capitalist America. The reason for that is simple: If one company were to control one or more vital sectors of our economy and society, then that company could and likely would use its power for further self-enrichment at the expense […]
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