News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Virtue-signaling Leftist banks are deplatforming POTUS Trump supporters using financial tyranny
For more than a year ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, the Left-wing Nazis who run the social media behemoths deplatformed one conservative, Right-leaning voice after another in what was obviously a concerted attempt to censor any and all dissent to Democratic candidates and their socialist policies. Though financial institutions and online advertising firms came […]
By JD Heyes
Ocasio-Cortez has no idea the Berlin Wall was built to keep people IN, not out… because everybody wants to flee socialism
Whether it’s just plain arrogance or a lack of proper education — or both — New York Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s tone deafness regarding her own ignorance about worldly matters and economics is stunning. Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez took to social media to decry POTUS Donald Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency in […]
By JD Heyes
Maxine Waters calls for nationwide social chaos to depose the President, sweep authoritarians into power
After her latest attempt to incite sedition, violence, and rioting on the streets of America, it’s time to hold Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) criminally responsible. Let us count the ways. When our founders designed our Constitution they included a provision whereby members of Congress could be removed from office if they were found to have […]
By JD Heyes
Will Hollywood celebs who pushed “fake noose” hate crime hoax now apologize to the world for propagating a LIE?
It’s becoming clearer by the day — nay, by the hour, practically — that “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett very likely fabricated an attack on himself by supporters of POTUS Donald Trump. Now, let’s see if the perpetually triggered Hollywood Left — so ready to pile on the Trump hate — has the guts to stand […]
By JD Heyes
“NewsGuard” is Big Tech’s latest scheme to “blacklist” and censor conservative and independent media
In a decision made without consulting first with users, Microsoft is teaming up with an online censor to filter out and “blacklist” conservative and independent media voices under the false guise of combating “fake news.” As reported by Breitbart Tech, Microsoft has already installed a mainstream media (MSM) browser extension that rates the ‘accuracy’ of […]
By JD Heyes
TRUTH is now “hate speech” on Twitter as truthful statements about history result in being banned
One of the most offensive things to many Americans is to suffer criticism from immigrants who came to our country to escape vile, deplorable, violent, and corrupt conditions in their own countries. It seems something far more than mere hypocrisy to complain about your new home when your real home is, by comparison, so loathsome […]
By JD Heyes
College students are all supportive of Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” until they learn what’s actually in it
As you may have read, “Democratic Socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) released her “Green New Deal” last week to immediate praise and fanfare from the Left-wing establishment media, though it was instantly panned by critics — including some from her own party — over its many unrealistic objectives. The plan has already received the endorsement […]
By JD Heyes
Twitter bans conservatives for telling laid-off Leftist writers “Learn to code,” but did nothing to those who called for violence against Covington Catholic students
In today’s hyper-Leftist social media environment it has become all too clear that pro-Trump, right-leaning, independence-minded media have no chance of getting equal access or fair treatment. The founders of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are committed libtards who had no problem using the free market to introduce and grow their platforms into the behemoths […]
By JD Heyes
“Green New Deal” Democrats call for eliminating the entire air travel industry, grounding all airplanes to “save the planet”
On Thursday Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced a so-called “economic development plan” that will not only bankrupt America if it is ever fully adopted, but it will reverse more than a century of societal and technological progress. According to an overview of the plan, which Ocasio-Cortez is calling the “Green […]
By JD Heyes
Obama’s propaganda cash to liberal media has just run out… this is why we’re seeing layoffs among left-wing propaganda publishers
Most Americans who don’t earn their living in the news business don’t know that in recent weeks some 2,100 journalists, most of them from online news sources, have lost their jobs in a sort of industry bloodletting similar to the loss of factory jobs over the decades thanks to Left-wing trade policies. As reported by […]
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