News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Behavior of Democrats at Kavanaugh hearing proves left-wingers are a deranged lynch mob of irrational, angry HATERS
Democrats continue in their attempt to turn our political process into something more like mob rule, where the mob that shouts the loudest and the angriest and is the most violent, ‘wins’ the debate. As the Senate Judiciary Committee opened its session Tuesday morning to consider whether to advance POTUS Donald Trump’s most recent U.S. […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats push to drop nationwide voting age to 16, because young people are so much easier to brainwash at government-run schools
You can tell how desperate the Left is getting to win back power and how little confidence they have in a so-called “blue wave” coming this November — or at any time beyond the midterm elections — because their policy recommendations are getting nuttier. While Marxist Democrats push for new gun control legislation that would […]
By JD Heyes
Confirmed: Tech giants meeting in secret to plot “final solution” for stealing ALL future elections
For months Big Tech and Big Tech Media have been working to quash conservative, pro-POTUS Donald Trump media voices and purge them from their platforms, but now as the 2018 midterm elections approach the social media behemoths are ramping up censorship operations under the guise of countering “Russian interference.” As initially reported by Buzzfeed, the […]
By JD Heyes
Bill Maher’s idiotic liberal audience cheers and hoots in support of mass censorship
As POTUS Donald Trump and the Republican congressional majority continue to “Make America Great Again” with pro-growth policies and re-strengthening of constitutional freedoms and protections, the Left continues to double down on authoritarianism because it’s the only way they can empower themselves. This was demonstrated once again on Friday during Bill Maher’s “Real Time” program […]
By JD Heyes
Hate-filled Politico reporter decries Trump supporters as “toothless garbage people” … then wonders why Americans hate the lying left-wing media
In an on-air rant to his network earlier this week, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta complained about how supporters of POTUS Donald Trump and Florida gubernatorial candidate U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis were chanting “fake news” and other taunts. The National Sentinel reported that Acosta said the rally “felt like we weren’t in America anymore.” “Americans should […]
By JD Heyes
Intolerant Leftists insist Christians should be denied liberty
Earlier this week Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the formation of a Religious Liberty Task Force aimed at protecting that First Amendment right, and for some reason, the Left exploded with anger. Just a few days after Vice President Mike Pence stated that protection of religious liberty was a “top priority” for the administration, Sessions […]
By JD Heyes
Scumbag left-wing online terrorist “Sleeping Giants” took money from powerful corporations while secretly attacking them with an online lynch mob
As the days pass we learn more and more about Matt Rivitz, the San Fran ad agency “guru” who is the brains behind a Left-wing conservative hate group responsible for attempting to financially ruin Right-leaning, pro-POTUS Donald Trump media organizations and pundits. His targeting of conservatives was being launched and carried out in secrecy — […]
By JD Heyes
“Sleeping Giants” exposed as an online demonetization “terrorism” group, run by a radical left-wing activist (of course)
Ever heard of Matt Rivitz? Most haven’t. And given the dishonest nature of our establishment media, most Americans won’t. But many of those who do find out who Rivitz is are going to be outraged — especially conservative, Trump-supporting Americans who are increasingly being targeted by censorship and other forms of politically weaponized social media. […]
By JD Heyes
Calls for CIVILITY now being labeled racist by left-wing professors… yes, being civil makes you a bigot
The Left is doing everything it can to stifle legitimate political debate so that there will be no other way to solve differences and disagreements over issues except through violence. The latest example of this comes from a New York University professor who has claimed that “calls for civility” in our political discourse “are just […]
By JD Heyes
Will any Dems speak out against the VIOLENCE inciting of Leftists like Waters, or the insanity of Fonda? Why the complete silence?
Treatment of Republican lawmakers, administration officials and supporters of President Donald Trump have gone from rancorous to dangerous. Every day it seems we see a new level of hatred being directed at the legions of supporters of both the president and his party. Just recently, crank Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters actually called for her backers […]
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