News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
The Left continues to criminalize patriotism as Austrian government arrests anti-mass immigration activists
Europe’s ‘democracies’ are quickly devolving into socialist authoritarian regimes as one country after another cow-tows to militant Islamists at the expense of their own native-born citizens — and all under the false guise of “combating fascism.” Under Germany’s recently-passed “anti-hate speech” law an opposition lawmaker was “censored” by Twitter and Facebook after criticizing a Cologne […]
By JD Heyes
Conservatives on campus move one step closer to extinction as the intolerant Left drives them from the University of Denver
Older Americans — especially Leftists — are fond of remembering the turbulent 1960s as a period of cultural and social ‘revolution’ that involved “free speech movements” on college and university campuses. And true to form, if you take a serious look at the period you can definitely find example after example of how college campuses […]
By JD Heyes
New Jersey school eliminates try-outs for cheerleading squad with new “inclusivity” rule that rewards mediocrity
Growing up, those of us who could play a little baseball or football or basketball tried out for the junior high and high school teams and, if we were good enough, we made the team. That didn’t mean you got to actually get on the field or court, mind you, but just being ‘good enough’ […]
By JD Heyes
Dr. Phil becomes latest Left-wing hate monger to question Kanye West’s mental health for daring to think for himself
There is a full-on culture war going on in America today, and we can thank President Donald J. Trump for it. No, that wasn’t an insult, it was a compliment because it is a fight that shouldn’t have to be fought but must be due to the fact that we’ve allowed angry, hypocritical, group-thinking, Left-wing […]
By JD Heyes
TOTAL CENSORSHIP demanded by the Left: Slate now calling for BAN of every free-thinking film and documentary
Having written often over a long career in political journalism about the culture war we’ve been fighting for decades, I can now say without an ounce of hyperbole that I’ve never before seen the intensity I’m seeing now from the Left. Marxist and communist schools of thought have always found a home in the Democratic […]
By JD Heyes
No, Kanye West did NOT say blacks “chose slavery” 400 years ago, and there’s video proof
The Left, and especially libtard hypocrites in the entertainment industry, are continuing their meltdown in response to just about everything rapper Kanye West tweets or says these days after he professed his “love” for President Donald J. Trump. As a black man and especially a rapper, you just don’t do that because we all know […]
By JD Heyes
Socialist America: Nearly half of Americans favor government-guaranteed jobs for everyone
In recent days openly socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. announced he would propose legislation that would guarantee a taxpayer-supported government job to anyone who needed or wanted one. As reported by The National Sentinel: Seems Bernie thinks everyone ought to have a government job, and ought to make at least $15 an hour doing it. No word […]
By JD Heyes
Why Leftists hate real history: One-fourth of “lynchings” were of WHITE people
It’s no wonder today’s Democrats don’t want to talk about their party’s history. It’s rife with shame, disgust, and disturbing events. Like lynchings, for example. They were a favorite back around the time the Civil War ended up through the Jim Crow era. Many times they were carried out by the Ku Klux Klan, which […]
By JD Heyes
Big Bro: California bill would require ALL businesses to submit employee salary details to state as way to ensure equal pay
Marxist Democrats running the state of California are continuing to do everything they can to drive businesses away in their quest to create the perfect “utopia.” Pandering to illegal aliens, strangling residents with high taxes, driving more people out of the housing market, and creating social welfare magnets for the homeless isn’t enough. Now lawmakers […]
By JD Heyes
Professors who have taught college courses for decades say the system is broken as higher ed has become “profoundly unintellectual”
Two veteran academics recently offered their views on the state of higher education today in America, and frankly, their assessments are chilling. As reported by The College Fix, the academics say today’s college students have no time for “intellectual curiosity,” and they are “situationally confused.” What’s more, students’ sexual promiscuity, which appears to be at […]
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