News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
T-Mobile goes all-in for communism-style “equal pay” and LGBT quack science in pathetic attempt at virtue signaling
A lot of people watched the Super Bowl this year despite the fact that football fans and non-fans who love America were essentially given the middle finger every week during the regular season by players who sat or knelt during the playing of our National Anthem. Though viewership was down from previous years, 103 million […]
By JD Heyes
Did you fall for the “18 school shootings in 2018” fake news hoax? It’s a complete lie pushed by the dishonest left-wing media that hates America
The American Pravda media has once again proven why fewer and fewer people trust them. In the wake of the most recent school shooting in southern Florida, families, and friends of those killed hadn’t even had time to fully comprehend their loss when the lying little Marxists in the “mainstream media” were hard at work […]
By JD Heyes
In latest social justice insanity, Black Lives Matter attacks “rap yoga” class as racist
If you still believe that the Leftist-driven “social justice” movement is about tolerance and inclusion — two of the Left’s favorite buzzwords — you really should disabuse yourself of that notion. Because it’s not. Flat out, it’s about division, self-segregation, and revenge — for America’s original sin of slavery. Case in point: The Sacramento chapter […]
By JD Heyes
Seriously, WTF: Left-wing journalist says ABORTION is the answer to making sure babies don’t grow up to be school shooters
As is increasingly the case these days, those who share an ideologically symbiotic relationship with the American Marxism Party, formerly known as Democrats, show what truly disgusting people they can be when the country suffers a crisis. Most of are attempting to come together to comfort those who need it following the most recent school […]
By JD Heyes
THIS is why we won’t “solve” problem of school shootings: American Pravda media can’t even be honest about reporting on GUNS
For the longest time, I believed that the primary reason why the so-called “mainstream media” could never get its reporting right when it came to guns — how they work, what they are and are not capable of, even correctly identifying them — was due to an inherent ignorance about firearms. Most of them were […]
By JD Heyes
WHITE LUNACY on parade as woman refuses to see “Black Panther” movie for fear of “sucking the Black joy out of the theater”… HUH?
Have you ever read a story where you think, ‘Surely someone is making this up,’ but then you realize, ‘Wait…you can’t make this up!’ This is one of those stories. In yet another incident that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the political Left in America is becoming more insane by the day, a white […]
By JD Heyes
Never forget, it’s the Democratic Party that’s been waging a “war on women,” not the Trump administration
The latest scandal du jour the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream media” are attempting to hang on the Trump administration involves a now-departed staffer whom few outside of the White House had ever heard of before this week. His name is Rob Porter, and according to credible reports, he is a serial wife abuser. Reports last week based […]
By JD Heyes
Year Two: Fake Russian collusion allegations, charges of mental instability and non-stop Trump hatred fail to take down The Donald
Few Democrats believed a year ago that President Donald J. Trump would still be in the White House. Heck, not too many Republicans did, either. They and their sycophantic supporters in the American Pravda media and Washington establishment were certain in February 2017 that it was only a matter of time before the Swamp consumed […]
By JD Heyes
Disgusting Left-wing American media fawn over North Korean dictator’s sister because they know NOTHING about living under Communism
As I was scrolling through my various news feeds over the weekend I came across a couple of headlines I was sure belonged to state-run North Korean propaganda outlets. “North Korea is winning the Olympics –and it’s not because of sports,” said one of the headlines. “Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that the Democrats are HELPING Russia undermine our political system and national security just to “get Trump”
I’ve not been a big fan of The New York Times’ coverage of President Donald J. Trump because I feel like the paper has gone out of its way to portray him in as negative a light as possible, even to the extent of publishing no small amount of fake news regarding the president and […]
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