News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Democrats’ hatred of America is what keeps us divided, not Trump-Republican “America first” mantra
When Republican lawmakers and a few others on the Democratic side of the U.S. Capitol Building chanted “U-S-A! U-S-A!” at one point during President Donald J. Trump’s first State of the Union Address this week, it was too much for amnesty-loving, race-baiting Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. He got up and stormed out of the chamber, […]
By JD Heyes
Young black political commentator SLAMS Democrats-only Congressional Black Caucus, calls them “slaves” to their party after Trump SOTU speech
The majority of black Americans, for some reason, identify with the Democratic Party — the party of segregation, of the KKK, of institutional racism. But not all blacks do, and in fact, recent polling data indicate that Trump’s support among the black community has more than doubled since his November 2016 victory. One black Trump […]
By JD Heyes
Things that “trigger” Democrats and the angry Alt-Left: Why do they hate traditional America so much?
If you watched President Donald J. Trump give his first State of the Union Address Tuesday, you learned everything you need to know about the legitimate anti-American sentiment expressed by members of today’s Democratic Party. On numerous occasions, television cameras caught Democrats openly booing, frowning, or expressing resentment and anger at various points during Trump’s […]
By JD Heyes
Civil war tipping point: Did Michael Moore just call for the ethnic “cleansing” of all white people in America?
As Left-wing Democrats and their sycophantic supporters in the media and entertainment world daily accuse President Donald J. Trump and Republicans of being “Nazis” and “anarchists,” it’s become more and more obvious by their behavior that they are the biggest threat to the country’s stability. Case in point: Doubling down on the divisive, racist nature […]
By JD Heyes
Sorry, Dems, you’re not going to get an indictment or impeachment of Trump… says a former OBAMA admin lawyer
One of the reasons why Democrats continue to behave as though special counsel Robert Mueller’s “Russia collusion” investigation is real, despite the fact that there isn’t a scintilla of evidence proving President Donald Trump’s campaign worked with Moscow to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton is because they think, at a minimum, it will result […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s how Twitter, Google, and Facebook are DESTROYING Western-style democracy
Most people aren’t hyper-political, and because they’re not they are more malleable when it comes to forming an opinion about an issue. However, it’s difficult to have an informed opinion about something if you’re not given all the facts. If you only get one side of the issue, you can’t hope to make the best […]
By JD Heyes
BUSTED: Undercover media sting reveals Twitter targeting conservatives and independent media for censorship via “shadow bans”
For some time now conservatives, along with supporters of President Donald J. Trump, have suspected they were being targeted for censorship by the social media giants such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Thanks to James O’Keefe and his undercover media sting operation Project Veritas, we learned this week that for certain Twitter engineers have been […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that 91 percent of DEMOCRATS are clueless dupes because all they watch and read is FAKE news
As we have regularly documented on this site, the so-called “mainstream media” is replete with hucksters, frauds, liars, and phonies. In fact, truth be told, the vast majority of establishment media types are little more than far-Left hacks and shills for the Democratic Party. That helps explain a rather remarkable finding in a recently-conducted survey […]
By JD Heyes
New intolerant narrative of the deranged Left: All MEN are dangerous, simply for being men
In the modern age, the Alt-Left has decided that men should no longer be men but rather neutered, cowering wimps who are too weak to stand up for themselves or to the stronger women who should be running things anyway (or so we’re told). That helps explain much of the anger over Hillary Clinton’s monumental […]
By JD Heyes
Joy Behar of “The View” is an enabler of FAKE NEWS after defending network colleague’s bogus “Russia collusion” hoax about Michael Flynn
One of the co-hosts of ABC’s“The View,” Joy Behar, is the embodiment of a fake news enabler, making her one of the many establishment media types who are responsible for betraying Americans. You may recall that on Friday, network colleague Brian Ross of ABC News reported that former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn was […]
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