News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Amazon Alexa exposed as a deranged LIBERAL that spews left-wing propaganda
Some of this year’s ‘hot holiday gift ideas’ are those wireless devices being offered by Google, Amazon, and others that respond to your voice commands and provide you with all kinds of information like the weather forecast, recipes, and can even locate and stream local radio stations. But what many don’t know or understand is […]
By JD Heyes
Insane San Fran jurors in Kate Steinle case blame the GUN for the murder rather than the illegal alien who shot her
The case against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate of Mexico, the illegal immigrant who killed 32-year-old San Francisco resident Kate Steinle in 2015, seemed about as airtight as a legal case can be. Police had his weapon. They had witnesses. They had a body. All they needed now was to present their evidence in court, then […]
By JD Heyes
Clueless: MSNBC’s chief racialist Joy Reid calls rural white voters “a core threat to our democracy”
It’s getting so that the hosts of Alt-Left MSNBC have to say more and more outrageous things just to get noticed, and of course, the network’s principal racialist morning host Joy Reid is always quick to oblige. Over the weekend during her “AM Joy” program, the host responded with an ignorance only someone on MSNBC […]
By JD Heyes
U.S. schools turning into insane asylums as unbounded student violence results in wave of TEACHERS resigning
The U.S. public school system continues to implode in front of our eyes, but for some reason the “progressives” who run the nation’s schools are oblivious to the fact that their teaching methods are failing. The most recent evidence of this is the string of mass resignations of teachers in Harrisburg, Pa., the state’s capital, […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats CRAP all over America for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Another holiday season is upon us, which means Democrats and their supporters will have yet another opportunity to trash, diss, and otherwise disrespect America and our cultural traditions and morals. While NFL players got a head start on disrespecting America, her military and supporters of President Donald J. Trump by taking a knee or sitting […]
By JD Heyes
Cowards who run U.S. corporations continue to punish conservative speech while siding with violent, anti-American Leftist groups like Antifa
In case you haven’t heard, there is yet another advertising boycott campaign aimed at conservative talk giant and Fox News host Sean Hannity, the latest attempt to get him tossed off the air because the Alt-Left is replete with authoritarianism. As Scott Greer at The Daily Caller reports, several American corporations are bowing to pressure […]
By JD Heyes
NYT calls for Facebook to censor all pro-life websites by labeling them “fake news”
The American communist Left has begun an all-out push in the Age of President Donald J. Trump to completely destroy our history, culture and traditions, likely because they sense that our 45th president just may be the one capable of defeating them once and for all with his “MAGA” message. They are, of course, being […]
By JD Heyes
Public school teachers now routinely discriminating against white people based on the color of their skin
While at one time we were all taught that racism is an evil that has no place in American society, it has quietly become acceptable especially in certain political, entertainment and academic circles — as long as the racism is directed at white people. That is essentially the norm in Left-wing academia today, as reported […]
By JD Heyes
No, Politico, Tuesday’s election results do NOT amount to a “Democratic wave” as Trump and the GOP lost NO ground
To hear the “mainstream media” tell it, Tuesday’s special elections around the country not only amounted to a “Democratic wave,” they spelled the beginning of the end of the Trump era and Republicans in general. While this manufactured narrative was pervasive throughout most of the Left-wing legacy outlets, one of them — Politico — stood […]
By JD Heyes
Hilarious video captures liberal college students praising Trump’s tax reform plan when told it’s from Bernie Sanders
If you needed more proof that many of today’s college and university students have been ‘programmed’ to respond favorably to certain political ideologies, a newly-released video showing some students praising President Donald J. Trump’s tax reforms after being told they were devised by Marxist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont provides additional proof. As reported by […]
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